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Harbour Block Production Associates is a television, film, and game support company with over thirty years of combined experience in production and business affairs including production management, finance applications, production accounting, and final tax credit filings.Christina Lynch is a Certified General Accoutant with extensive experience providing accounting assistance to small and medium sized Canadian and US film and television production houses. She began practicing in the community in 1999 and currently provides financial management and advice on all aspects of business management for television and film production including corporate accounting and taxation, production and post accounting, final reporting for financing, audit preparation and tax crediting filing.Ruth Vincent is an animation producer with a long commitment ot the arts community. She has worked on the nuts and bolts of production, business affairs, finance and accounting on the general planning and infrastructure of these businesses since 1990. Working as a producer on domestic and international projects to production accounting in years past, Ruth has a thorough knowledge of the financial implications of creative decisions.