Entertainment - , ,
Harish Sajan & Party provides spectacular events for every occassion. If you are looking for a glorious upscale event or modest gathering we have the perfect event planning team for you and your event. The most important thing when planning a event is to be organized, the best way to organize is with Harish Sajan & Party. We offer Services like Bhagwati Jagran, Bhagwati Chowki and Sai Sandhya Ladies Sangeet. Whether you're a bride planning your own wedding day, or a professional with years of experience planning weddings and special events - Harish Sajan & Party can help!Harish Sajan & Party9278817342, 9871816557, 8802222090www.harishsajan.comContact all types of Devotional(Jagran,Chowki, Sai Sandhya, Bala Ji bhajan, Khatu Shyam bhajan...etc.) Dancing(Western Dancer's, Folk Dancer's, Bollywood Dancer's, Bhangra Dance Troupe, Russian Dancer;s...etc…