Tobacco - Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, United States
The Harrisburg Cigar Club was started to fill a much-needed void, as a social organization that promotes the enjoyment of premium hand made cigars. Our goal is to enrich our members' smoking experience by providing an environment that fosters friendship, camaraderie, networking, and knowledge in a relaxing atmosphere. Also, given the recent tobacco legislation, never has it been more important for us to come together to protect our liberties as cigar smokers. As any cigar lover can tell you, there's a certain bond that forms instantly between two people who enjoy cigars, a sense of camaraderie that just can't be found anywhere else. Whether it's through a cigar tasting session or a visit from our local cigar representatives, we want to share our passion for this wonderful hobby with all who are interested. Additionally, by working closely with the local retailers of these fine products, we hope to help you take your appreciation for cigars to a higher level. At the same time, we want to provide ongoing support to these local tobacconists ensuring the long-term viability of their businesses as well.The Harrisburg Cigar Club events provide you the perfect arena for networking, making friends and exploring the Greater Harrisburg Area cigar-friendly venues. The goal of the HCC is to promote cigar etiquette and educate professional enthusiasts within the community who enjoy smoking cigars. The HCC actively seeks places and plans outings to give its members a comfortable environment to relax and smoke cigars. We encourage local businesses and larger corporations to support the club at organized events to help create new business opportunities and provide our members with sample products or services. Additionally, we also endeavor to make our database of professionals the go-to source for many of our members' professional needs.
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