Harvey Developments (NT) Pty Ltd

Construction Services - Braitling, N/A, au

Harvey Developments (NT) Pty Ltd Details

Harvey Developments is a Northern Territorian building contractor based in Alice Springs and have a depot in Tennant Creek. Besides Alice Springs and Tennant Creek, we also actively operate within the outback places surrounding both towns such as Yuendumu, Santa Teresa, Ti Tree and Barrow Creek. We are fully capable of carrying out new construction/refurbishment/renovation/demolition of residential, commercial and public buildings and have many existing contracts with the NT government. We specialise in construction & refurbishment of buildings in the outbacks. If you have any upcoming building projects within Alice Springs, Tennant Creek or the surrounding outbacks, please do not hesitate to get in touch with us at harveydevelopments@bigpond.com or office@harveydevelopments.com.au. Alternatively, speak with Peter at 0422145391.

Harvey Developments (NT) Pty Ltd logo, Harvey Developments (NT) Pty Ltd contact details
Employees: 20 - 49
Location: Braitling, N/A, au
Revenue: Not Available
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Harvey Developments (NT) Pty Ltd is a reputable building contractor based in Alice Springs, with a depot in Tennant Creek, Northern Territory. They specialize in construction, refurbishment, and renovation of residential, commercial, and public buildings, with a strong focus on outback construction. The company has a proven track record of delivering high-quality projects, having worked with the NT government on various contracts. Their service area includes Alice Springs, Tennant Creek, and surrounding outback regions such as Yuendumu, Santa Teresa, Ti Tree, and Barrow Creek. With a team of experienced professionals, Harvey Developments (NT) Pty Ltd is committed to delivering exceptional results, ensuring customer satisfaction, and maintaining a strong reputation in the industry. Their dedication to outback construction sets them apart from other building contractors, and their expertise in this area is unmatched. If you have any upcoming building projects in the region, consider reaching out to Harvey Developments (NT) Pty Ltd for a reliable and professional service. You can contact them through their email addresses, harveydevelopments@bigpond.

Harvey Developments is a building company that works in Alice Springs and Tennant Creek in the Northern Territory. They also work in other small towns and communities near those towns. They can build new buildings, fix up old ones, or tear them down. They have a lot of experience working in the outback and have done work for the government. If you need help with a building project, you can email them at harveydevelopments@bigpond.com or office@harveydevelopments.com.au. You can also call Peter at 0422145391.

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