Marketing & Advertising - Beijing, Beijing, China
Havas Media provides media planning and buying, strategic consulting, branded entertainment and interactive marketing services for a range of clients in every region of the world. With Mainland China offices in Beijing, Shanghai, Nanjing and Shenzhen, Havas Media China's media professionals work across a broad variety of disciplines and categories. We understand that a brand can carry many meanings so we dig deep for relevant human understanding. We identify the "meaning" that will resonate most with each audience to inform precision, targeted communications which create meaningful connections. Connections that drive more brand involvement and trust. Connections that stimulate growth. We are in the business of helping clients grow the success of their brands through end-to-end communications that drive meaningful connections in order to build desirable and sustainable meaningful brands. Visit us:汉威士媒体为世界各地的客户提供诸如媒体策划与购买、战略咨询、品牌娱乐化以及互动营销等服务。我们在北京、上海、广州均设有分公司,因此汉威士媒体中国区的工作人员能够在不同领域提供高质量服务。我们深深懂得一个品牌可以承载更多意义,并致力于帮助人们对其的理解。我们认为品牌的意义在于能够最大程度与每一个消费者产生共鸣,实现精确传达和有目的的沟通,并以此创造富有意义的品牌联系。这种联系能够带来更多的品牌渗透和品牌信任,并促进二者增长。我们通过端到端的沟通促进富有意义的品牌联系,在此基础上建立起具有吸引力且持续发展的品牌价值。这就是我们的工作主旨:帮助每一个客户树立成功品牌。访问我们: