Computer & Network Security - Dover, Delaware, United States
Security RiSK Consultants dedicated to the Healthcare Industry and a laser focus on small and mid-sized medical practices. Our Security RiSK Assessment is tailored to those looking to attest for Meaningful Use.these small practices have few options, from Do-It-Yourself kits that assume your office manager is also an IT guru, these always have the detraction incerted in small print to "have a qualified IT security engineer test your network". Then there is the Enterprise level assessment firms hired by the large hospitals at twenty grand per SRA. provides that Enterprise level of expertise and the same level of penetration testing needed to create a truly functional RiSK analysis at a fraction of the price. We can do this because we live and breathe Healthcare IT and nothing but. We are tailored to the small single physician practice to the medium sized nursing homes and other specialized service centers.We know what you need and why. We guarantee our Security RiSK assessments, including all ancillary report documentation will pass any Meaningful Use audit!The only competition we face is one with a serious flaw. While your current IT support people can test your computers and network, they have a blatant conflict of interest: That of supplying you with the network and any risk mitigation services you may or may not need. and besides, it is wise, when looking at the security of your system, to have a differential diagnosis.