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If you want to stop self-sabotaging, the key is to understand why you're doing it and what need it's fulfilling. For example a common role of procrastination is to help you avoid fear of failure or fear of success. Self- sabotage can be a chronic pattern that leads to major problems in life, work, and relationships. There is a reason why you are engaging in destructive thoughts, behaviors, why you can't overcome those doubts, fears or attain next level of success. But before you can undo an unhealthy behavior, you have to understand the function it serves.Perhaps you feel like you're really two people, one driven to achieve, while the other holds you back, Or you think you don't really deserve what you've accomplished in life and engage in negative self talk and undermine yourself, your abilities and values?Letting go of self-sabotage isn't merely an intellectual problem of planning and strategy. It's an emotional tolerance problem.self -sabotage = when the success or happiness is above the level at which the subconscious believes it is worthy of. With self sabotage you will only touch the surface of what you're truly capable of. My programmes will enable you to rewire your underlying beliefs and empower you to make better choices effortlessly without using will power or force.The foundations of my the 3 step programme 1. Identify the root cause and the need it fulfills 2. Re-code your mindset, turnaround beliefs, transform & empower you 3. Strengthen and implement A complete turnaround, elevate your potential, unlock your core confidence, and eliminate self-sabotage from your life. In reality accessing real change via the conscious brain is slow and most often ineffective. Neuroscience has shown that it is the subconscious that makes up most of our life's programming (around 95%) and holds many of the beliefs which influence our behavior on a day-to day basis. If the beliefs are negative it will make it harder for you to achieve desired state.