Health, Wellness & Fitness - , ,
At HEALTH 'N' HARMONY, GRENFELL, you'll find 'An Integrated Approach to Health, Healing and Well-Being'.\\By attending one of our Meditation Courses for Health and Well-Being, you will learn and experience:-\* Deep Relaxation\* Breathing Exercises and why they're so important\* Body Awareness techniques\* Healing Meditations and Imagery\* Guided Meditations\* Mantra Meditations\* Discover the Meditation Tools of Labyrinths and Mandalas\* Mindfulness Based Stillness Meditation\* Visualisation\* Loving-Kindness Meditation\* What choices are available to you\* That peace of mind can be experienced and sustained\* Reliable techniques to overcome obstacles to peace of mind such as pain and fear\\We also offer Safe and Effective Personal Care Products for Adults and Children; Naturopathic Formulations; Wholistic Foods; Pure Aromatherapy Oils; Solutions to Daily Exposure to Toxins; Natural Hormone Balance; Health Education & Personal Development - Group or Personal Consultation; Anti-aging Products Compatible with the Human Biochemistry.