Internet - Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India was born in July 2012 by two friends, whose unshakable passion to improve the availability of healthcare products via e-commerce led to the birth of In a very short span and true to its mission, healthadda today offers one of India's largest range of trusted healthcare products nationwide and at budget prices.At Healthadda we source the best health & wellness products from across the globe & provide them to every Indian via online shopping. Our offering encompasses health and wellness products from majority of India's leading healthcare brands and their channel partners. This includes products in Sports and Fitness, Diabetes, Home Care Devices, Personal Care, Food Supplements, Baby and Mom products & Health Services.Our entire team is passionate to deliver a memorable online shopping experience and we work round the clock to enhance each shopping is run by an enthusiastic and experienced team of professionals who complement each other in experience and skills. Together we bring in extensive expertise and experience in Healthcare, Technology, Operations and Customer happiness.
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