Hospital/Clinic - Leeds, ENG, UK
Making your voice count in health and social care services in Leeds. We are here to help you get the best out of your local health and care services. We bring your feedback to those who plan and deliver services in Leeds.We are committed to being:Leeds will be a healthy and caring city for all ages, where people who are the poorest will improve their health the fastest. The Leeds Vision is based on the Health & Wellbeing Board Strategy.Our Purpose: Healthwatch Leeds was established in April 2013 to bring the voices and experiences of local people to influence the decisions made in their health and care. We use citizens voices and experiences to work to influence planners, decision makers and service providers in Leeds. The government provides money for each local authority to set up a Healthwatch. Local Healthwatch organisations have the right to go to places where health and care is delivered and report on what they find.Our Principles: The principles under which Healthwatch Leeds operates describe the way we expect everyone who volunteers or works for us to behave when doing Healthwatch Leeds business.IndependentInclusiveOpenSupportiveCollaborative