Hospital & Health Care - Pune, Maharashtra, India
Healthzia is a center for Postural therapy, Yoga, and Homeopathy. The core foundation of Healthzia is based on the Ancient Indian belief that the body can heal itself if provided with the necessary tools. Our aim is to focus on your body and help you understand the language it uses. With a strong background in postural therapy and a deep understanding of the human body, our sessions are based on Body-Mind Equilibrium or BME. BME is an ancient Indian therapeutic program based on Postural Therapy for achieving relief from stress-triggered dysfunction of the human body. The key principles of BME are - Body Biomechanics and Neuroscience.The exercises are purely posture-driven and achievable by all age groups (8 years onwards). And with the tools we provide, you can start leading a healthier and happier life.A common and often neglected health problem around the world is poor posture. An issue that affects people of all ages and all professions, causing pain, poor digestion, misaligned spine, and other problems. The temporary cure is found in medicines, therapy, and expensive surgeries. But does it relieve you of the pain permanently?Painkillers subside the issue for a short time, however, to recover completely it is necessary to target the root cause of the discomfort and find a lasting solution.Healthzia, a center for postural therapy, yoga, and homeopathy, believes in providing relief to the human body using Body Mind Equilibrium or BME, an ancient Indian therapeutic program based on Postural Therapy.At Healthzia, Homeopathy and Yoga go hand in hand with BME. Our commitment is towards providing everlasting solutions and pushing the human body in the right direction.