Online Media - Coral Gables, Florida, United States
Heard It From is a social news aggregator that allows you to share your favorite news stories with your friends.Break the news on Heard It From. Heard It From was designed to allow you to share the stories that are most important and relevant to you to anyone on the Internet. See a story that you like online? Just click "Submit A Story" and share the link with a clever headline written by you. If you see stories that you want to read, click the + to add those stories to your Reading List. When you return to Heard It From after reading a story, you can go directly to the other stories in your Reading List without needing to skim through headlines that you've already read!Our mission is to provide an open dialogue about the news. We believe that the best way to accomplish this is to allow people to share the news articles that are most interesting and relevant to them.