Hospital & Health Care - Gothenburg, Västra Götaland County, Sweden
TECH. PEOPLE. HEARTS. We've been running for hearts since 2010. Started by scientists and driven by the will to save more lives. With our system you can engage citizen responders to help victims of out of hospital cardiac arrest. The system in Sweden goes under the name Sms-livräddare and in Denmark under the name TrygFonden Hjerteløber. We have a proven scientific track record of saving lives and are happy to join forces with you to help increase survival in your region. It takes a system to save a life! With the heartrunner system your community can benefit from investments already made to improve the chance of survival in out-of-hospital cardiac arrest.Our system locate volunteer citizen responders that has downloaded the app and alerts them of the location of a nearby suspected cardiac arrest.We can display data from national and regional AED registries in the app and guide the volunteers to nearby AEDs as well.The system is developed in close collaboration with researchers at Karolinska Institutet and has a lifesaving track record.Recent 12 month data from the Copenhagen installation show that in cases where volunteer lifesavers was first on scene bystander defibrillation was increased threefold. From 7% to 23%.We are happy to tell you more, drop us a note at
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