Education Management - , Anhui, China
办学层次:十二年一贯制教育(小学、初中、普通高中教育)School Type: Experimental Bilingual K-12 学校校训:修德、立人、行世界School Motto: Live virtuously; behave scholarly; engage globally.办学目标:做有温度、有深度的教育;办有信度、有高度的学校Educational Mission: To provide unparalleled educational services through humane and holistic pedagogies. 教育理念:中西相融、理实并重、面向全球、启智育人Educational Philosophy: To represent a global assemblage of educational values and pedagogies that engender international mindedness and critical reflection.育人目标:培养学生成为具有华夏根基和世界眼光的优秀人才tEducational Goal: To ensure students evince their cultural heritages while engaging globally at the highest professional and academic levels.校风:开放多元,兼容并包Ethos:Pluralism, diversity, and inclusivity. 教风:博识博爱 惟善惟新Pedagogy:Academic, fraternal, and innovative.学风:力学笃行,知行合一Temperment:Compulsively transform theory into practice.
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