Farming - Pueblo Bello, Cesar, Colombia
‘LOCAL IS GLOBAL'---------------------------------------We are a band of remote, Colombian coffee farmers committed to producing specialty coffee, and changing the system that has long empowered top up, regional associations and large, wealthy farmers. As Heirloma, roasters purchase direct from small-holder farmers, and/or neighboring lots under the assistance of Heirloma Collective. Once anonymous producers, we now have a stake, a voice, and can sustain a livable wage for their families. We are Heirloma, the remote, small-holder, coffee farmers of Colombia's, Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta Mountains.As Heirloma Coffee Collective, we are focused on cup quality, advanced fermentation processes, community education, support for disenfranchised coffee growers of Colombia's Sierra Nevada, environmental protection of our mountain range - a UNESCO biosphere reserve, economic sustainability, and buyer transparency. We achieve these as a collective, together, doing our best to support our neighbors, and fellow coffee growers in this uncharted coffee region, our home. Our aim is to bridge the international divide, add value to roasters by getting to know us as people, and through our production of our high-quality, specialty coffee.