Architecture Firm/Engineering Firm - N/A, N/A, US
Heirloom Tile works is a design studio located on the rocky coastline of Maine known for a unique collection of high relief art tiles. The scenic charm, wildlife and conifer forests have been a great inspiration in developing the tile themes. The present line has been created through personal inspirations and greatly enhanced with commissions from local clients sharing the same inspiration and appreciation for Maine's natural beauty.Today our technical age is seeing a resurgence of the Arts and Crafts Movement similar to the Great Arts and Crafts Movement of the Industrial Age (early 1900). People are once again seeking out the special characteristics that the artist's touch can bring to one's environment. Heirloom Tile works applies these traditions to the art of tile making and spatial design.Above all Heirloom Tile works offers the customer a unique opportunity to participate in the design experience. Our approach to custom design respects foremost the creative collaboration between client and artist. This important process is very much a part of the inherent qualities found in all the tiles we make. With a shared vision and technical guidance any living space can become a unique extension of both the artist and client.
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