Electrical/electronic Manufacturing - , ,
Who says that engineers are boring? Not us, that's for sure. (In the interest of full disclosure we have very biased opinions!)The founders of Helios have been colleagues and friends for over 10 years. Steve and Greg first met while developing products for a telecommunication equipment manufacturer – ordinary stuff for a couple of guys fresh out of engineering school. A few years later Steve moved on to greener pastures where he and Graham spent their days developing subsea technologies – less ordinary for sure, but still not the critical moment. Steve was always telling Graham about this friend of his who was obsessed with lighting products that wanted to turn his iPhone into a portable oscilloscope. This made an impression on Graham, and when Steve mentioned that he and his ‘scope buddy were working on a project, Graham jumped at the opportunity to get involved. The result was the LC1 and the founders now obsessively email, text, Skype and lunch with one another to plan how their products will transform the way people live their lives.We're not simply bringing a concept to the Kickstarter community. We have invested vast amounts of time, money and brain cells in prototyping the LC1 and have a working product. (See our demonstration video!)We. Are. Helios.