Market Research - Berlin, Berlin, DE
Deputy Head of the Institute for Solar Fuels at Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin
Head Staff Department Matter and Accelerator-based Infrastructures
At the Helmholtz Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie (HZB), we conduct research on complex energy materials. Our portfolio includes solar cells, solar fuels, thermoelectrical materials, and magnetic materials suitable for new, energy-efficient information technologies such as spintronics. We operate the synchrotron source BESSY II for investigating material with brilliant X-Ray pulses. BESSY II is an internationally requested user facility with an extremely high scientific output. HZB is offering you cutting-edge scientific facilities and attractive opportunities for your professional development. We maintain strong ties to the Berlin universities and are also working closely with international experts from research and industry. More than 1,200 men and women are working in a wide range of scientific, technical, and administrative jobs, making HZB one of Berlin's top 100 employers. We offer a multitude of internal and external training programs for our employees as well as a career program for young scientists. Our family-friendly workplace policy includes flexible working hours and telework arrangements. Since 2011 we hold the nonprofit seal "berufundfamilie" (lit., "job and family") in recognition of our family-friendly policy. Imprint: Jobs and Careers
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