Health, Wellness & Fitness - Petit Valley, Diego Martin, Trinidad and Tobago
Hibiscus Place is a purpose-designed, professional Adult Day Centre for Seniors. It is nestled in Petit Valley and has been improving the quality of life of older adults with chronic physical and/or mental challenges or who are socially isolated and/or depressed. Hibiscus Place provides professional day-time care for older adults - those in their 60s and older. This type of day health service is proven to prevent or delay negative health declines usually associated with ageing such as falls, depression and problem behaviours. This helps seniors to remain living in their own home longer, with more safety and with dignity. It also helps family members manage their lives with less stress.We believe that everyone, including older adults and their families:• Wants to have some control over the everyday events in his/her life• Wants to feel useful• Wants to derive satisfaction from engaging in meaningful activities• Wants to remain involved in his/her community• Wants to have meaningful social relationships and interactions• Wants to maintain or maximize all of his/her abilitiesWe support these human needs through our individualized therapeutic activity programme. All participants, despite mobility or cognitive challenges, are supported by our trained staff in enjoying a stimulating range of physical, social, and mental activities as well as nutritious meals and snacks. They enjoy our fully accessible environment, wandering garden and therapeutic activity rooms.