Computer Software - Centurion, Gauteng, South Africa
Hopping.Rentals is a Mobile Application platform that enables individuals to rent and hire goods and services from across the globe.The business model is such that the application to be developed will facilitate the rental of goods and services between parties and within a secure peer-to-peer environment and closed ecosystem. Members of the ecosystem are able to transact with one another using multiple fiat currencies depending on the nature of their transactions. The system contains predefined categories which members of the ecosystem will be ableto choose from. This approach negates illicit trading as only approved products and services will becontained in one of the categories.HH aims to build a community by utilizing technology to create a centralised platform to facilitate rental andadvertising services. Owners of goods will be able to rent the goods over a period of time ensuring perpetualincome over a period of time. Owners can rent an asset and received a revenue stream from a previously unused assets.