Marketing & Advertising - , ,
HIT Media Enterprises develops, produces, programs and delivers local, regional and national public information and advertising on digital media screens or systems placed in prime locations throughout the country. These systems include large dimension fixed LED screens; mobile event screens; small dimension plasma screens in commercial buildings including shopping malls, office buildings, executive clubs, golf courses, transportation facilities and other private digital media networks including ATM screens, grocery store check-out screens, vending machines and kiosks.HME is a leading national provider of advertising, production, installation, and media services to the most advanced out-of-home digital media networks. HME will endeavor to build new systems and expand its market and customer base by developing tools to better deploy the client's advertising budget using customizable criteria and traffic confirmation statistics, and by establishing relationships with regional or independent digital signage networks and bundling their services into a single network for resale to national advertisers. This expanded network access, along with optional integrated services to facilitate ad content production, deployment and scheduled media management, make HME uniquely positioned to provide highly targeted and effective turnkey digital media information and advertising campaigns.