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Homage is a demonstration of respect and dedication.In Steve Job's 2005 Commencement speech at Stanford University, he talked about the wonders of ‘connecting the dots', and how to follow one's curiosity and intuition. It turned out that the calligraphy course he attended as a drop out had a major impact on the design of the first Apple Macintosh.It is with great pleasure that at Homage we learnt about the essence to excel in consultancy, on how to pay homage to clients, through the most unexpected sources – Horsemanship."Practice without true principles is nothing other than routine, the fruit of which is a strained and unsure execution." - Francois Robichon de la Gueriniere (1688-1751) "[One] who pursues his goals by riding his goals will never achieve them. [One] who pursues various logical and proper means leading to desirable goals will progress. According to Hegel, the only reality is an ever-changing process with no permanent resolution." - Charles de Kunffy