Marketing & Advertising - Adelaide, South Australia, Australia
Home Giraffe is Australia's premier listing site for businesses in the building industry. From architects, through brickies, landscapers, carpenters, to cleaners. You'll see we're so much more than just a listing site. We focus on giving your business a personalised quality listing to genuinely boost your business delivering you more customers. We offer more detail, more keywords, more photos, more text, individual colour options and so much more for your personalised webpage. We believe no other company online offers so much for such a low cost. In fact, two of our major competitors are over 5 times more expensive than us! Our mission statement is to offer you a listing that is better than any other listing out there, cheaper than all competitors, easier to manage as a user, and easy to find by people who need and want your business. We encourage you to take the free trial, and try us out. The advertising budget works out to only $1.25 a day once the trial expires, (for our gold package). This includes GST, and is fully tax deductible. This is a real bargain, and so affordable that every business should consider adding HOME-GIRAFFE to their advertising budget. Home Giraffe works. So sign up for the free trial to see how we can help your business grow. It 's 5 minutes that could change your life!