Financial Services - , Seoul, South Korea
Horizon Technologies Inc deals with revolutionary technologies including machine learning and AI that create reliable financial indices based on quantitative analysis in order to help individual investors, as well as investing communities, achieve diserable investment return.|Mission|Our mission is not limited to provide the most reliable financial indices in the global stock market, but to help result in profitable investment with technologies dealing with quantitative data analysis and automated trading systems.|How to achieve|We believe that revolutionary technologies such as AI, machine learning, and could service enable financial activities to be more profitable with greater accuracy. As a financial group and an active investor, we believe combining financial data and recent technologies creates the most reliable indices with which investors can maximize their investment income. |Current Service|Our services include Funda-Track, Stock Archive, and System Trading logics. Funda-Track is an algorithm-based technology that can analyze financial reports of listed companies and create investment indices. Stock Archive is a financial big data storage for AI learning, creating an innovation model for quantitative analysis. We have global scale full-stack system logic developers that can maximize investment income, targeting more than 15% annual profit return based on trend tracking investment technique.
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