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The truth about housing is that there are few things that we all have in common quite like our universal need for our own housing. There is nothing that offers each of us a greater sense of peace than we can find in the housing that we have turned into our home. There is little that compares to the sense of relief from an exasperating day that we feel when walking through the door of our home and closing that door behind us. We all would welcome a source of information and insight that speaks truth in love about that precious thing that we desire to call home. The Primer on Housing is a site that is passionately devoted to truly permitting you to understand what your housing choices are and what challenges you need to manage.Howard Primer is the founder of The Primer Group and The Primer Ethic™, a nationally recognized attorney, successful entrepreneur, and keynote speaker.As a change agent, Howard has challenged and inspired people, companies, and the government to make the purposeful change on behalf of the world. He is truly committed to transforming the housing industry in a meaningful way.
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