Civil Engineering - London, England, United Kingdom
As traffic volumes increase and dependence on road transport remains high (around 80% of inland freight and passenger traffic) the role of the industry is vital to the wellbeing of the nation. Each year motor vehicles travel approximately 500 billion km along Britain's public roads. The network ranges from narrow and little used country lanes and residential cul-de-sacs where traffic flows are less than 100 vehicles a day to the vital motorway network, parts of which exceed 160,000 vehicles a day. In any business there are wider issues which affect the way it is run and how effective it can be. The highways maintenance industry is no exception. To meet the transportation needs of the future the industry is under increasing pressure to maintain more effectively road systems to cope with the increasing volumes of traffic. At the same time the need for a more efficient road network must be balanced against issues of safety, the environment and economics. The HTMA is an informed and influential force in the highways maintenance industry and provides a unique forum for discussion and information sharing on core issues affecting the industry as a whole. The HTMA also intends to play a key role in influencing government to change legislation to allow the use of more efficient and safe ways of working.
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