Management Consulting - Paris, Île-de-France, France
Hualda consulting helps companies to implement or improve their: - Strategic vision, Innovation and Product Planning - Product Development - Business to Business Relations - Quality Management Systems - Business Processes Product Planning: We can provide a global service or intervene at different stages of its development: Strategic Definition Product Definition and Optimization Product Development and Launching B2B relations: If your company needs to launch its products with Business partners or Distributors in Europe or you need to improve your efficiency with your customer, We can help you to start or improve your Customer Relations If you need to find a technological or industrial partner, We can help you with a rational and systematic process to establish your Supplier Relations QMS Companies willing to improve their service to customers and their efficiency can support their organization with a Quality Management System. We can provide several services: Advice Put in place and follow up a Quality Management system based on ISO 9001 : v2008 Help with the development and follow-up of processes. Help with the optimization and analysis of processes. Help to simplify documentation. Help with the Certification path Training Staff training on Quality Management System and process approach Training ISO 9001:2008 Training Internal Auditors Audit: Internal Audits (processes) Quality Management System audits Supplier audits
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