Human Resources - Centurion, Gauteng, South Africa
A "gig economy" consultancy geared for the Human Resources Industry and related subject matter areas.Services include: HR Training, Recruitment Coaching, Content Writing, Blogging, Article Curation, Strategic Talent Management, C-Suite Interviewing, Curriculum Design and Research Initiatives.Human Capital, Human Resources, Employees, Staff, Workforce, Personnel, about Human Assets rather?FACT: A human asset "matters" to your organization.WHY: Expertise, Skills, Experience, Value Adding, Performance, Profit Enhancing, Creation, Innovation, Operations, Service, Production, FunctionFACT: A human asset generates "matters" to contend withHOW: Issues, Challenges, Hurdles, Problems, Incidents, Circumstances, Ideas, Perceptions, Behaviours, Situations, Concerns, Arguments, Complications