Human Resources - , ,
All small businesses need HR assistance but don't need the additional expense. As an alternative to hiring someone that can only spend a small portion of their time addressing basic HR needs, consider an option that can inexpensively provide you with the HR competencies that can help control the risk of the numerous potential liabilities inherent in human resources management. Human Resource RX provides all inclusive low cost Human Resource Outsourcing solutions to small business.We are a pro-management company whose focus is on protecting the business from employee actions involving complaints to State or Federal agencies by ensuring the business has the right HR policies, is compliant with the laws and has trained managers. We specifically concentrate on the mitigation of risks and liabilities by uncovering and rectifying HR problems before they turn into serious issues that can result in large penalties, fines and potential lawsuits. Our business philosophy is personalized service and one-to-one relationships to drive superior customer service. We recognize that not all businesses are the same. Are services are always tailored to the specific needs in support of a company's objectives and goals. Our services include:• Complete review of all current HR practices with recommendations for improvements and corrections• Comprehensive custom employee handbook• Custom HR operation's manual, employee agreements and forms• Business owner education and manager seminars for critical HR items such as regulatory compliance, employee relations, and HR procedures• Policy recommendations that help protect businesses against such things as sexual harassment suits, drug and alcohol abuse and safety violations• Benefit, compensation and leave planning and administration• Wage, time and attendance guidelines.• Employee issue guidance and resolution assistance• On-going phone and on-site support for anything that is related to human resources