Higher Education - , ,
Humanistisk studentutvalg (HSU) is the student council at the Faculty of the Humanities at the University of Bergen. The organisation has aprox. 90 members and a yearly budget of nearly 1.7 mill. NOK. The organisation concists of five sub-organisations: - Ad fontes (The student pub) - The student pub Ad fontes (est. 2011) is a student driven pub and café situated at the Faculty of the humanities main building. Always open from 10 and often open to late Ad fontes is the natural meeting place at the faculty. - Fadderstyret (The mentor week's board) - Each year the mentor week's board plans and holds the mentor week at the Faculty of the humanities. The nearly 1000 new students is welcomed with both social and study related events and the purpose of the week is to include and introduce the new students to HF. - Humanistenes arbeidslivsutvalg (The board for working life relations) - The board for working life relations holds events, meetings and lectures for the student that aims to show what a humanities student has to show for. - HF-revyen (the faculty revue) - - Studentutvalget (The student political board)
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