Nonprofit Organization Management - New York, New York, United States
Humanitarian Notes is a US-based non-profit organization with 501(c)(3) status. Humanitarian Notes raises HIV/AIDS awareness in Africa by mobilizing local musicians and resources to create music that educates, entertains and empowers young people.We produce HIV/AIDS awareness music that has the potential to transform lives. Life-saving HIV/AIDS messages are best channeled through local music that moves freely to even the most remote parts of Africa where it touches lives.Humanitarian Notes was founded on the belief that a new and innovative approach to HIV/AIDS awareness campaigns is needed to combat HIV/AIDS in Africa. Music has the power to change lives, and our music educates and empowers people at the local level, taking into account the social barriers that might have prevented external campaigns from succeeding in the past. An understanding of the culture and a participatory approach that utilizes local musicians in developing HIV/AIDS awareness messages allows Humanitarian Notes to disseminate information effectively.