Financial Services - Tucson, Arizona, United States
HPA genuinely cares about the reputation of our clients within their communities and abroad. We understand that we are a direct reflection of your company's value system.Our goal is to ensure long-term financial stability for our clients by: 1)Recovering potentially lost revenue due to non-payment, 2)Providing Trade Credit Insurance to protect credit risk decisions and 3)retention of existing clients wherever possible.HPA has pioneered a recovery process that rebuilds the debtor to client relationship. We recognize that the current economy has negatively affected many previously lucrative vendor relationships. HPA seeks to restore those allegiances while recovering your outstanding revenue. When Rebuilding Relationships is not an option, HPA utilizes Standard Recovery procedures to ensure results. HPA is licensed and bonded in all states and cities that require such to operate. This protects our clients from potential fiscal and legal consequences that will occur when not partnered with an accountable agency.We are ISO 9001:2008 Certified.HPA uses an Industry Specific team based recovery process that has retrieved previously lost revenue in over 80 countries. Each Recovery Team has over 50 years of experience. Their negotiation and recovery skills are the reason that HPA maintains a yield that is significantly above the recovery industry standard. We are in the TOP 1% of all debt recovery agencies for FUNDS RECOVERED WITHIN THE FIRST 30 DAYS of debtor placement.
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