I am currently self employed and available for work if youd like to contact me

Marketing and Advertising - Sedona, Arizona, United States

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Whether you are looking for a business coach, personal coach, help writing a novel, or help processing sex/emotional trauma that is stuck in your body, it's probably worth talking to me. I have a wealth of life experience, I tell the truth, I don't tolerate bullshit or platitudes, and I will make you laugh a lot while I help you tear down your defenses and show you {lovingly) exactly where and how you hide from the pain you've buried deep inside you.We have all been taught to lie to ourselves about nearly everything; we pretend we think we are AWESOME when actually we think we are shit. We practice behaviours designed to extract love from others, hoping that this will allow us to sidestep having to love ourselves. We get addicted to lack, scarcity, money, sex, porn, food, hiding, showing off, being invisible and a whole host of other things, just to cope with what we call 'real life'. The irony is, nothing could be further from the truth. This life is about as real as it is genuine.Are you ready to take off your mask and truly be seen? (not talking about PPE)Are you ready to stop lying to yourself about what makes you happy?Are you ready to look at your relationships to see how many of them are inauthentic?Are you ready to drop the story of who you think you should be so you can start being who you are?Are you ready to forgive yourself for not being perfect?Are you ready to stop treating yourself like shit when you think no one's watching?The world is in crisis... WHY?Because WE are in crisis... Let's be frank shall we? I'm a recovered crystal meth and sex addict with a private school education, endorsements from famous celebrities and a recovery model for both personal and business development that defies belief because it is loads of fun, spiritually insightful, scientifically measurable and a pleasure to engage with.Are you ready to be your own HERO? Are you ready to stand up?Are you a victim, or are you a warrior?

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Employees: 501 - 1000
HQ: ["01273709709"]
Location: Sedona, Arizona, United States
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