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i10 Solutions is a Sandler Sales training office located in Charlotte, NC. "Techniques are important, but salespeople who learn to deliver their techniques with the appropriate attitude and behavior get to the bank most often." – David H. Sandler Sandler Training is a world leader in innovative sales, leadership, and management training. For more than 40 years, Sandler has taught its distinctive, non-traditional selling system and highly effective sales training methodology, which has helped salespeople and sales managers take charge of the process. Our training is designed to create lasting improvement rather than the motivational "quick fix" typical of many seminar-based training programs. To help clients accomplish their goals, Sandler provides "reinforcement training," a system that combines quality materials along with access to ongoing training workshops and individual coaching sessions. Sandler Training by i10 Solutions features a 5-star training facility which accommodates live participation as well as online access for remote clients worldwide.