Health, Wellness & Fitness - Montreal, Québec, Canada
IAM is an online Health & Fitness accompaniment system using human motivators to reorganize your schedule in order to incorporate and maintain physical ACTIVITIES into your day-to-day life. IAM = Innovation + Assistance + Motivation THROUGH real people. IAM's core value is to create personal and unique client experiences. IAM treats every client as an individual. The phone calls to each and every client prior to their committed training sessions and the daily follow-ups make IAM's trademark. IAM builds up strong relationships with everyone, as a 24/7 personal trainer would do, if a trainer was even possible to afford. IAM focuses on the relationship between physical activity and psychological or emotional health. It is about having the client be AWARE of their health and how to improve it. If they apply those changes, if they live and maintain a healthy lifestyle, and if they commit to their fitness calendar and remain active, they will improve their quality of life. IAM creates personal and unique client experiences: - Personalized assistance to provide you with individualized attention - A tailored program that will improve your overall conditioning - A great flare to uncover new insights about yourself - Development of a routine schedule that suits you - Personalized motivational call before every training session by your IAM coach - Accountability and motivation IAM has your back. Back to being you.