Research - Vienna, Vienna, Austria
The Institute for Business Ethics and Sustainable Strategy (IBES) at WKW's Vienna University of Applied Sciences is a leading national and internationally renowned research centre in the fields of "Business Ethics" and "Strategy". Urgent issues in ecologically, economically and socially sustainable corporate management are examined against the background of relevant topics such as "globalisation," "climate change" and "digitalisation".A special focus is placed on the areas of "Business Ethics," "Corporate Governance," "Strategy & Competitiveness" and "Sustainability Management". With its work, the Institute for Business Ethics and Sustainable Strategy contributes to a responsible and sustainable transformation of corporate practice.IBES activities include research, teaching and knowledge transfer. The Institute pursues three concrete goals:1) contribute to international scientific discourse through excellent research projects and publications,2) training of students and future managers to become responsible members of society, and3) knowledge transfer through practical studies and the application-oriented processing of research results.