Research - Port Blair, Andaman and Nicobar Islands, India
REALIZING the importance of islands agriculture to provide better livelihood to the people with integrated approach in these remote Islands, Indian Council of Agricultural Research established Central Island Agricultural Research Institute (CIARI) in 23rd June 1978 by merging regional stations of IARI, IVRI, CPCRI and CMFRI. Presently, the research work has been conducted under five division viz., Field Improvement and Protection, Natural Resource Management, Animal Science, Horticulture and Forestry & Fishery Science and Social Science section. The institute has fairly adequate laboratory facilities for all divisions in addition to a well equipped Central Instrumentation Facility with all possible sophisticated instruments. ICAR has sanctioned one KVK in Nicobar district. The institute has been doing work for the island farmers to provide decent livelihood through technological intervention. The major mandate of the institute is to provide a research base to improve the productivity of important agriculture, horticulture, livestock and fishery sector of A & N Islands through adoptive, basic and strategic research. While earlier focus was to attain self sufficiency for island, the situation has changed in recent years. VISION Sustainable development in agri-horticulture, livestock and fisheries sector in the changing climatic scenario to ensure decent livelihood in the fragile island ecosystemmMISSIONProviding decent livelihood to farm youth from agriculture in a fragile island ecosystem on sustainable basis.FOCUSThe Island economy has undergone a sea change in recentt past. From forest based and Government job based economy, it is shifting to tourism based economy. This shift requires a rethink on research programmes to meet the emerging challenges of inclusive growth and sustainable economy. With this in view, following focus has been envisaged for CIARI.