Marketing & Advertising - Pune, Maharashtra, India
We are a communication Solution Company- means what? we help you communicate in all spheres- Still means what? lets say you have a company, product, website, or a service that you want to popularize, we help you do that.-How? We have an ABC approach to that, starting with an a for analysis- of B and C i.e of the brand and Competition and Customer . Then we do the d- Decide upon the medium, budgets, vehicles and communication, design and tenure etc. And finally E for execution and wallah! we are done. - Still not sure.Simply putting, we create everything for you, right from the creating/modifying an brand identity (name, logo, stationery, websites), to creating an awareness through Advertising (like creating ads campaigns for news papers, magazines, TV and Radio, websites, blogs, Web pages designing brochures, pamphlets etc)and following it up with activation exercise to enhance the brand visibility. We as an agency believe in minimalism and hence always consider the economically viable yet the most effective option for you. Furthermore:- Call us! we love to talk!- +91-9764-007-686Mail us! We love to write- sourabh@ideamonkindia.comOr Request a Quote.