Information Technology & Services - Oirschot, Noord-Brabant, Netherlands
Techniek is niet het grootste probleem in de ICT. Veel beslissingen in de ICT worden genomen zonder afweging van waarden (van verschillende stakeholders), alternatieven, relevante informatie en zonder heldere opvolging. Daar zoek ik oplossingen voor. Graag help ik je organisatie om sterker en sneller (ICT) besluiten te nemen. Game-changing approach on IT Architecture* Enterprise and Infrastructure Architecture* Providing Overview-Insight-Translation * Game-changing in to-the-point slideshows * Transition to Cloud and ESPs* Governance and managementPersonal:* Enjoying design and common-sense in the widest sense of the word: art, Stephen Covey, Remco Claassen, haiku-writing, cooking, Scrum, Phil McKinney's Killer Innovations podcast * Fully CIA (Confidentiality, Integrity, Availability // Creativity, Integrity, Analysis)* Trained in conceptual analysis and logics (at universities, 1986-1995)
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