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IDOCOS, Innovative Doctoral Courses for Sustainability, focuses on how to secure both quality enhancement, an increased number of PhDs and increased efficacy. IDOCOS combines an innovative approach in co-creation and sharing with relevant existing building blocks and has the following five objectives:To support and facilitate university staff and doctoral students across universities in different countries• in co-creation and sharing of digitalised courses and open learning materials prepared for quality online, flexible and blended teaching and learning • for adopting a scalable and robust methodology for co-creation and sharing of digitalised courses • access to shared courses and open learning materials for teaching and learning• for access to relevant tools, (open when available) for co-creation and sharing of open courses and learning materials• in building competencies for digital transformationFive partners have joined in partnerships to deliver solutions for the European Education Area:KTH, Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan, one of Europe's leading technical and engineering universities, as well as a key centre of intellectual talent and innovation SwedenUiB, University of Bergen a leading university in international cooperation and SDG commitment, NorwayIAU, International Association of Universities, the global association for universities, FranceNordic Insight, a company specialised in higher education, Norway andNORDUnet, the regional Research and Education Network for the five Nordic countries (Norway, Finland, Sweden, Denmark, Iceland), and a part of the similar network for Europe, GÉANT.To achieve these objectives, IDOCOS will create 4 Intellectual Outputs:• IO1 A handbook for co-creation and sharing of courses in an international context.• IO2 Construct, based on the handbook, a doctoral course in Digital Transformation For the SDGs.• IO4 A digital platform that support the methodology.IDOCOS started 03 2021 and will be closed by 02 2023.