Renewables & Environment - Yangon, Yangon Region, Myanmar (Burma)
IFG ASIA, formaly known as Infra Group Asia, a Singapore incorporated Company which originates, develops, finances and operates highly developmental and commercially viable infrastructure projects in Myanmar via its Subsidiaries.The company continues to shape the future of the living and working environments in Myanmar by developing real estate projects and infrastructure developments aiming to transform the lives of the Burmese people.One of its current portfolio which is making a good impact to the country population is in the assistance of Infra Capital Myanmar (ICM) in providing development services for originating, developing and financing highly developmental and commercially viable infrastructure projects in Myanmar on behalf of InfraCo Asia Development (IAD).This allow us to stimulate private investment in infrastructure by developing projects up to financial close such that private sector domestic and international financiers, investors, developers and other participants can invest in these de-risked opportunitiesOur targeted sectors includes the following:1. Real Estate2. Hotel Operations3. Sustainable Energy4. Agriculture & Agri-support5. Logistics and CommunicationFind out more at!
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