Computer Software - The Municipal District of Clane Maynooth, , Eire / Ireland
iGeotec Ltd. is a spin-out company from Maynooth University, near Dublin, Ireland specialising in developing Geospatial technology for Transportation. We have developed a unique Geospatial platform, enabling anybody use our free Smartphone App or any number of mobile GPS-Video devices to record road & street sections. These GPS encoded video clips can then be uploaded, processed and published online allowing users to carry out in-frame measurements, check safety aspects, tag defects, highlight sections for improvements, produce information for audit reports etc. The geo-tagged video clips can be captured and published in minutes, available to anyone anywhere in the world and can be categorised under project themes, regional-surveys or one-off-jobs with level-protected data sharing controls. The platform is low cost, easy to use and highly versatile, saving road survey teams time and money in capturing and generating high quality, timely road safety information.