Management Consulting - , ,
Asesor en Materiales Código. MinerÃa/Naval/Estructural- Gobor Group China/PetrolSteel/Turali Group
Advisers and Consultants with:Used codes of reference & construction.12 years of experience in fabrication, inspection and testing. .- AWS: AMERICAN WELDING SOCIETY..- SAE: SOCIETY AUTOMOTIVE ENGINEER..- API: AMERICAN PETROLEUM INSTITUTE..- NBIC: NATIONAL BOARD INSPECTOR CODE..- ANSI: AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARDS INSTITUTE..- ASTM. AMERICAN SOCIETY for TESTING and MATERIALS..- NACE: NATIONAL ASSOCIATION of CORROSION ENGINEERS..- ASNT: AMERICAN SOCIETY NONDESTRUCTIVE TESTING..- ASME B31: AMERICAN SOCIETY MECHANICAL ENGINEERS..- ASME - BPVC: AMERICAN SOCIETY MECHANICAL ENGINEERS BOILERS PRESSURE VESSEL CODE.Areas effective of expertise for advice and consulting..- Energy..- Fishery..- Railway..- Gas & Oil..- Automotive..- Pipes and tubes of fluss..- Agricola & Agroindustrial..- Tanks, Spheres & Minor vessels..- Construction whit Structural Steel..- Pressure vessels, exposed to fire and not fire.Another areas effective of expertise for advice and consulting..- Welding Summary Control..- ITP - Inspection and Test Plan..- Monitoring Effective of QA/QC..- Execution & Erection Procedures..- LOP - List of Open Points (Punch List)..- Proper use of PDT - Piping Design Table..- P&ID - Procedures & Identification Drawings..- Elaborations of corrective action request (CAR)..- Elaboration Welding Maps, Data Base, and Dossiers..- Witness Field Check List Prior Pressure Test – (Hydro Test)..- Inspection by traceability with welding drawings, according to symbology under code AWS A2.4..- Witness in Qualification of Welders in: SMAW, GMAW, GTAW, FCAW. ASME BPVC Sect. IX, API 1104 and AWS D1. 1.More..- Training's..- Code Clinics..- Quality Control under reference and construction code..- Supply in projects of Inspectors AWS, ASNT, ASME, NBIC..- Analysis of Management and Implementation of Effective Programs of Quality and Quality Assurance.Objective:The full compliance of the construction codes.