Management Consulting - Andheri, Maharashtra, India
Explore the extraordinary person within you! --> In this world, no two individuals are born the same. Every individual can develop into an extraordinary person, and that's exactly what we strive to do, at IMAGINESTA.--> It's a well-known fact, that people judge you within a few seconds. On the basis of this First impression they develop a perception about you.--> The image you represent as an organization or as an individual, will determine how others will perceive your ability to be successful. From image makeovers to giving professional advice, on how body language affects ones individual or corporate success.We at Imaginesta, help you to transform yourself and stand out from the rest by:1) Projecting a positive image to create a powerful first impression which is the key to success in personal as well as professional Life.2) Presenting yourself in the best way and in expressing your highest potential to create a powerful impact in every facet of your personal, professional and social life.3) Grooming your personality and developing a unique image that is confident and optimistic.We would be glad to assist you in putting your best foot forward every day in your life.