Architecture & Planning - , ,
IMBAU CONSULTING is a company, founded by two German architects and focused on the German and foreign client, serving him as a provider of one-stop solutions in all aspects of his property in Andalusia, Spain.Our objective is to find or design the property suitable for our clients, adapting it according to their wishes and needs, facilitate the exploitation and maintenance of the same and resolve any problem related to their property. Thanks to ImBau Consulting the foreign customer does not need any knowledge of the Spanish market or of Spanish culture and laws, preventing them from disadvantages and ensuring that they receive the quality and treatment accustomed.The following services are offered:1. Real estate consulting:- Search for a property suitable for the client- Special focus on the economic, technical and urbanistic potential and the price/performance ratio, also studying the potential of energy rehabilitation (potential savings) and adaptation for the elderly.- Advice, representation and support in the process of purchase- Creation of marketing concepts and professional presentation for the object- Home staging- Home inspection- Market-price valuation of properties 2. Architectural services:- Reformation, rehabilitation and new construction- Adaption of German and foreign standards and customs to the Spanish climate and and environment- Adaptation of existing objects to the elderly- Energy-oriented modernisation and sustainable architecture- Project Management- Energy efficiency consulting and certificates 3. Legal and tax advice- Support in court proceedings- Expert opinions and reports - Placement of experts, translators and German-speaking lawyers- Advice on financing- Tax advice and placement of accountants and lawyers- Advice on subsidies
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