Information Technology & Services - , ,
PACS, RIS & Teleradiology - www.imedit.comiMedIT, provides to healtcare facilities affordable and quality solutions for best radiology information systems(RIS), Digital Imaging and Archiving Systems(PACS), remote reporting and diagnosis systems(Teleradiology), state of the art inventory managment and device and patient tracking systems for hospitals with RFID systems at Turkey, Middle East and Europe.Turkey's important state and private hospitals use iMedIT's PACS and RIS systems for effiency economical and practical workflow.Fast and friendly service and support concept, many years of accumulated knowledge and experience, customer focus and service continuity are located on the basis of customer satisfaction of iMedIT. We can also meet the requirements arising from the institution requests in a short period of time providing customer satisfaction.iMedIT increased market share in a short time about related healthcare IT projects and started to prove that working at Saudi Arabia, Lebanon, Syria and Finland with serious distributor agreements based on understanding of customer oriented service support. In the countries of Finland, KSA & Lebanon teleradiology and PACS systems are getting interested day by day and iMedIT's local distributors continue to work on radiology, dental radiology, cardiology and forensic medicine issues about installations and marketing.Your patient information, reports and images are with you at whereever you are…