Consumer Products - Bristol, Bristol, N/A
Imperial Brands is an FMCG company that manufactures and distributes cigarettes, snus and tobacco products.
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Imperial Brands PLC is a leading Fast-Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) company that specializes in the manufacturing and distribution of cigarettes, snus, and tobacco products. Based in Bristol, the company boasts a strong global presence, with a workforce of over 10,000 employees and revenue exceeding 1 billion. As a testament to its commitment to innovation and sustainability, Imperial Brands PLC has been recognized for its efforts in reducing carbon emissions and waste, as well as promoting responsible tobacco farming practices. The company's dedication to sustainability is reflected in its state-of-the-art facilities, which incorporate cutting-edge technology and energy-efficient systems. Additionally, Imperial Brands PLC has implemented a comprehensive recycling program, which has significantly reduced waste across its operations. The company's commitment to responsible business practices has earned it numerous accolades, including being named as one of the "Top 100 Most Sustainable Companies in the World" by Corporate Knights.
Imperial Brands is a company that makes and sells cigarettes, snus, and other tobacco products. FMCG stands for "fast-moving consumer goods," which means that the products are things that people use up quickly and need to buy again soon. So, Imperial Brands makes things that people use a lot, like cigarettes and tobacco.