Utilities - N/A, N/A, N/A
InCA Energy Efficiency engineers bring together electrical, mechanical and process engineering expertise to help customers identify and measure energy efficiency in our economy. We have extensive expertise in energy efficiency across the industrial, commercial, and agricultural sectors. Our experience includes technologies such as compressed air, controls, variable speed drives, lighting, refrigeration, pumping, and process improvements, as well as retro-commissioning services. We execute energy efficiency with a rigorous Measurement & Verification framework. M&V ensures that the best information is used to make energy efficiency decisions and ensures that implemented measures generate optimum savings that persist over time. InCA EE methods conform with the IPMVP and Uniform Methods Protocols to measure energy use directly and through indicator variables or when needed with building models and analysis of utility meter data. We use a variety of instruments to make spot measurements and trend variables over time with data loggers. InCA engineers leverage building automation and supervisory control and data acquisition systems. Our methods are platform-neutral and utilize diagnostic tools to identify inefficient operation and equipment faults.
Bootstrap Framework
Microsoft Office 365