Cosmetics - Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Our mission is to create a high end, luxurious line of cosmetics that will empower and build confidence in every individual. We believe that every person has their own unique form of beauty and our products will only enhance that beauty that already lies underneath and within. We believe in creating cosmetics that are universal and wearable by every race, age and gender. We believe that cruelty to animals is completely inhumane and totally unnecessary when creating new makeup products. Our entire line of products are cruelty-free.Self Love, confidence and motivation. The three aspects of our customers' life that we wish to nurture and encourage. Our line of cosmetics are the tools every woman and man can use, to help them realise the best versions of themselves. A version that is fierce, powerful, tenacious, elegant, charming and beautiful. A version of themselves that they love, inside and out.
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