Education Management - Washington, District of Columbia, United States
The Inclusive Education Collaborative (IEC) is a platform to engage education funders, implementers, advocates, and experts in dialogue and knowledge and information sharing for the purpose of advancing inclusive education as a strategy to achieving the sustainable development goals for education and toensure an inclusive response to the COVID-19 crisis.The IEC broadly defines inclusive education as a means to addressing the needs of all children who are marginalized from learning opportunities and education approaches, including children with disabilities, girls, non-binary children, children who speak indigenous or minority languages, children displaced by climate change, conflict, or crisis, and children whose education is disrupted due to poverty, abandonment, and exploitation.The approach and ethos of the IEC is to serve as a knowledge sharing resource to education donors and implementers. The IEC platform strives to be a safe place for the exchange of ideas, best practices, challenges, and failures. Our expectation is that candid and informed exchanges will influence policiesand practices. The IEC approach to advocacy is to engage, understand, and influence.